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Say goodbye to anxiety, fear and choices that do not serve you.

The Trauma Breakthrough Method™ blends powerful metaphysical tools with real-world strategy to make sure you finally feel good and get into a life that matches you.

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Are you doing the things, but not getting enough results?

You know you're here for a reason.


You have things to achieve, a difference to make.


But no matter what, you can't seem to move forward thanks to seriously bad energy and traumatic stress. 


It's not that you don't try.​


You've gone to therapy.


Tried meditation, yoga and maybe some plants.


You've reworked your career.


Distanced yourself from family and friends.


Traveled. Moved.


Whatever healing's out there, you'll find it and do. 


But no matter what - despite all your time, money and effort - you keep looping the same patterns, unable to move ahead.

It's infuriating!


These are cycles that can be stopped once and for all.

Quickly. Safely. Permanently!



The Trauma Breakthrough Method™


The Trauma Breakthrough Method is a fast, safe, proven approach for healing trauma created from a lifetime of trying it all. It blends powerful metaphysical tools, applied psychology and real-world strategy to get you out of negative cycles and into a positive, new reality in the shortest time frame possible.


Here’s How It Works

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Every Trauma Breakthrough Guides You Through a Three-Step Path.

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End your issues once and for all by healing them at the core.

Know you're awesome and what you want is possible - without shame, guilt or playing small.

Make the life you want yours - now - with focused action in line with your goals.


Sessions Are Two Hours and Focus on Doing the Work.

In Trauma Breakthrough sessions, we don't just talk about your issues — we do what's needed to actually resolve them.


Every session is 100% focused on solutions


​Offers at least 60 minutes of direct healing time


​Is specifically designed to achieve your most important goals


​Gets you healed and living your better life as fast as possible

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A Mix of Tools Transform Your Issues at the Core and Are Specifically Curated for People with Trauma.


Spiritual Pratice


Energy Work


Practical Life




When you have trauma, your needs are different from other people's.

It's also impossible to heal trauma without metaphysical work.

Trauma is karmic, cellular, passed down through past lives and generations.


What you think you know is only a small piece of the story.


Without addressing this reality, you will continue to go in circles.


That's why the Trauma Breakthrough Method uses metaphysical, psychological and strategic tools — to get to real core of your issues and heal them once and for all.

Getting you into your real life

safely, quickly, effectively.


What's in my toolkit?


Get to the real root of the issues by healing unconscious triggers and dynamics from other lives. Intuitive Healing, Kundalini Yoga, Reiki 


Learn how to manage the different facets of your current mind so you can love yourself and function. NLP, EFT, IFS


Implement the changes you want to achieve in line with your new consciousness. That includes moving apartments, countries, getting new clients, a grasp on your finances and more.

Career, Business, Life Strategy

Intuitive Healing

Money Healing



Time line Therapy

Kundalini Yoga


Integrated Family Systems
(Parts Work)

Life Strategy

EFT / Tapping

Business Strategy

Somatic Techiniques

Career Strategy

And More


Together, We Create Measurable Results that Finally Get You into the Life You Know You're Meant to Live.

You can expect profound emotional healing:

  • Go from stressed out, anxious, crying to calm, confident and joyful

  • Go from insecure, confused and paralyzed to confidently navigating your life and staying balanced no matter what

  • Go from sabotaging yourself and appeasing others to setting sensible boundaries that honor your energy and everyone's unique path

  • Go from feeling out of control with too-intense, too-fast reactions to being unphased by former triggers and focused on your positive goals

And important changes in your physical life, too:​

  • Go from working a job you hate and/or tolerating shitty clients to doing well-paying work in line with your values with people you respect

  • Go from torturing yourself in a too-small apartment to moving into the high-vibe home that also gets you ahead financially

  • Go from ashamed and frustrated with your lack-riddled cash flow to financially empowered with a grounded plan for abundance

  • Go from wasting your time with unavailable / toxic matches to consciously coupling with partners who embody healthy love

When we work together, you'll come up with your own vision of what health and happiness looks like. That becomes the roadmap for what we achieve!


​From Women Who Get It

“I have for most of my life felt like I do not belong here and can’t figure out how to function on the earthly plane. After two months with Simrit I’m on the path back to myself and not depressed or anxious, which is HUGE.”

- Maria*

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Are you ready to finally heal and thrive?


©2023 by Healing with Simrit. Proudly created with

*All names and images have been changed to protect privacy.

Simrit Atma Kaur is a spiritual teacher, not a licensed medical professional. 

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